
While earthquakes are rare in New York City, they have happened in the past and may happen in the future.

If you are inside and feel shaking or swaying:

  • Take cover under a piece of heavy furniture (desk), in a stairwell, or in a doorway. As a last resort, stand against an interior wall and protect your head and neck with arms.
  • Stay away from appliances, windows and heavy hanging objects.
  • Do not evacuate until the shaking stops, stay in your protected position.
  • Follow procedures from emergency personnel.

If you are outside and feel shaking or swaying:

  • If possible, move to a clear area away from buildings, signs and electrical wires.
  • If there is not a clear area very close, find cover from falling debris in a doorway.

After the earthquake:

  • Be prepared for aftershocks and plan where to take cover.
  • Check for injuries and give / receive first aid as necessary.
  • Check for fires and if present follow fire emergency procedures.
  • Contact Security immediately if you smell gas or see damaged electrical wires.
  • Use phones only to report emergency situations. Replace all telephone receivers.
  • Evacuate damaged buildings following your building-specific fire safety procedures.
  • Get updates on emergency conditions from a broadcast radio, TV,, WCMC Emergency Hotline, etc.

Contact Information

Environmental Health and Safety 402 E. 67th Street,
Room LA-0020
New York, NY 10065 Phone: (646) 962-7233 Fax: (646) 962-0288