This page is intended to be used by Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC) Departmental Leadership. Following are tools available for use:
WCMC Emergency Website and Emergency Information Hotline (212-746-WCMC / 212-746-9262)
The WCMC emergency website and hotline number provide emergency information to the WCMC community.
"READY" Departmental Emergency Plans (Business Continuity Plans)
These plans are created by each department and outline their priorities during an emergency, including:
- critical functions and staffing needs.
- specific information and strategies that will help during and after an emergency.
The plans contain primary contacts to report emergencies, departmental directories, critical functions, and supporting documentation needed during an emergency. Log in using your CWID and CWID password.
Emergency Response Guides
WCMC has prepared response guides for many types of emergencies (e.g., active shooter, bomb threat, hurricane, hazardous material spills, and severe weather) which may impact the College. These response guides outline the steps WCMC students, faculty, and staff should be followed in response to the emergency in addition to the emergency-specific guidance provided by the WCMC Emergency Operations Team.
Emergency Contacts Wallet Card
A wallet card with emergency contact information for WCMC and NYP, emergency operations centers, and other key information is provided to each department. Contact EHS if additional cards are needed.
WCMC and NYP Phone and Email Directories
WCMC and NYP-WCMC Emergency Phone Numbers